
My deposition depends on you.

Midway through a busy week, but anyhows, managed to collect my Holga and Seagull shots. The Holga ones were fine, but I'm definitely throwing away my black tape the next time - I want more light leaks! Seagull ones were abit of a let down but I want to get out there and experiment more.

Also, my volunteer stint for the Singapore Biennale starts officially this Saturday at Tanglin Camp. (I did help out for the Opening Party today though, but it poured so heavily me and my friend Doranne went skiving at a nearby cafe.) But meanwhile, be there at the Opening Party!

I will get through this week. :)


D said...

I love this picture! Gorgeous colour and very effective use of spaces and interesting positioning of the objects. Amazing.

shu-ming said...

thank you!
haha. ooh this was at ecp. har.
will put up more soon.:)