

I am so dreading going back to camp tomorrow, and this week is a busy one. Well, the lovely weekend did compensate for everything that is coming.

So I spent Saturday playing the accidental (local) tourist going around Chinatown while scouting for the best dou sha bing one could possibly find. The weather wasn't too balmy, the company was fun and I had my camera.

Perhaps if I had used this card for my transactions, like, for my Taipei trip, this wouldn't have happened. But once again, thank you, Mr/Miss Random Person!

I know National Day is over. And it's embarassing to sound patriotic these days. But one of the nice things about living in Singapore, is how you can find Hindu temples and mosques even in the heart of Chinatown.

And click to see this large. It's the elusive Buddhist Mysterious Liquid. It can ward off bad luck! But alas, it was all sold out. :(

Dinner was rushed to celebrate a former classmate's 21st, and well, it was nice to see some familiar faces again. Then it was down for overpriced, ok-standard supper at the Esplanade.

The obsession with hawker fare is certainly much overrated. We are too busy branding them for tourists and the taste, I feel, have been severely compromised. Still, I am a huge fan of hawker fare, and it's sambal stingray and sugar-cane juice over pretentious cordon bleu anytime.

Here with Junyi, the filial son who wanted to look for his mother's favourite dou sha bing. We toured the entire Chinatown before realising the shop was right at where we had started. (If you really want to know, it's sold at this pastry shop at Far East Square.)
Gawd, I looked like I'm on Valium here.

The next day was spent with some lovely folks from the Outdoor Adventure Club back in JC. So it's back at the city area again.

We had Ben and Jerry's at the new Raffles Marketplace, shopped for Xuanyu's bag and had dinner at the Marina Square Food Loft, possibly the best food court in Singapore with the most fantabulous view of the skyline.

Then it was The Breakup with Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston. Which was not-bad, actually. But I think you will always see Rachel Greene in Jennifer Aniston, no matter what movie she is in.

I like this weekend, and this is perhaps the entry with the most photos ever.


fen said...

you don't seem so bored in this entry ;) i love the 'bank of hell' card - hilarious!

shu-ming said...

hahaha. :) bangkok!