

My laptop crashed last week and was internet-deprived for what seemed like a lifetime.

Which is good, really, because the computer can be quite draining, seeping the energy outta 'ya. Which also meant I broke the routine of everyday after-work nights glued to the computer screen after dinner. So instead, I went back to couch-potatoing. I think I could get used to watching TVB dramas and Taiwanese variety shows. My mandarin is improving leaps and bounds. And there is nothing Channel 8 can do to save their sorry assed mediocre stuff, by the way.

In other truly exciting news, my tummy is threatening to outgrow my 5month-pregnant cousin's.

So I found a fellow weight-watcher in my bunk, and we are looking into a revolutionary starving regime that Jessica and Nicole would approved of on Us Weekly. Known as the POW Diet, it mirrors the exact proportion of what prisoners-of-war would eat during their imprisonment. Except instead of goo, we are talking about food from the camp cookhouse which isn't much of a sacrifice to have so little anyway. We are looking into tree barks, too, so look out America! 'tis gonna be bigger than Zone and Atkins.


Anonymous said...

Hey to lose weight in camp I had mostly fruits (alot of oranges, like two per meal so it's 4 per day or apples and if they have watermelons or sth I'll take alot) and alot of veges and no rice. Heh plus my mild depression which nullified my appetite, I cut 3kg in a month! Heh.


shu-ming said...

maybe i should consider this.
i still owe you your email.