
Let your songs fly, the rest of us need it.

I got my laptop back today. Finally. God knows how relieved I am, as though the pieces of my life are placed back together again. I feel like I am ready to diet, to begin my gym sessions right now instead of tomorrow. Screw procrastination! I am ready to embrace life with wide open, untoned, flabby arms again.

There is this strange, feel-good thing about having a brand new laptop in your hands, well, the insides anyway. To sit down personalising every single detail to make it the way it used to be, or at least even better, is almost like sex. For the record, I re-christened the laptop as The Grand Old Dame, since it is pretty old and gives off this buzzing, engine-like sound. I installed all the latest editions of programs and by the way, I wished they could all slow down with these new versions for me to catch up on. Not having MSN Messenger 7.5 make me feel old.

Actually, I've been toying with the idea of switching camp. The alluring temptations of a Mac is killing me. Too often when I read sites by Mac evangelists who swear by their newly improved, highly organised lives, I feel like a fool still stuck with Bill Gates and not Steve Jobs. Sure, Mr Gates' giving his money away - God bless his good heart - but I want to stop pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart my life. It's too complicating. I want something slick, clean, simple and white. Something my Ipod Miss Lulamae Barnes (once a friend asked why she's called Lulamae Barnes. It is actually Holly Golightly's real name in Breakfast at Tiffany's.) would genuinely approved of, and I figured using a Mac would be easier for me with what I want to do anyway. Which is why I need to start saving up and get one of those MacBook Pro babies before film school starts next July, say if I do get in.

I feel like writing another entry, you know, to celebrate this joyous occasion of getting my laptop back - well, not that I am trying to trivalise all the crazy nonsense that's happening in the world today, you know, but hoo-rah.
Peace pills, people.

1 comment:

Ong said...

a mac takes 1 second to format.
just a random thought..