

The uncle at the Indian mama shop was complaining about the afternoon heat as I made my purchase for two magazines, and he said it's even hotter in Europe now. "You should shave your head! Cooler that way."

I waited for close to an hour at the barber's while he went for his Friday prayers. No, I didn't get a crew cut. "Leave my fringe on please, just a trim on the sides and back."

My Dad was bringing Grandma to my Uncle's when I saw them at the lift. I passed him the extra tickets for the National Day Parade Preview. "It's for the China couple."

Mum was headed for the gym when I reached home, to my biggest surprise. Because she thrives on Hong Kong drama serials on bed with food, this one. I asked why she isn't watching the preview with Dad since he's been talking about how this-is-the-last-time-at-the-stadium so I thought he was dying to go. "He'd rather give that China couple than enjoy it for himself. Ask your friend if they got more extra tickets so he can go! Do you think I lost weight? Today is my second day at gym!"

Half day off work is always good.


Anonymous said...

Well done!
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Anonymous said...

Great work!
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Jeko said...

haha what the hell man... and dude what ever happened to my blogskin? thanks ah. it's OKAY

shu-ming said...

bloody spamers. SHOO!!
hey hows nz man.
well my laptop died for a long time, but i will get it up soon enough!