
Those To Come.


Jeko said...

i tagged twice on your last entry. (i want to make you feel popular. ;>)

shu-ming said...

yea i feel the love.

haha my readers are a very quiet lot, really.
ok fine. no one reads this except myself.

Jeko said...

haha! well, we can read each other's stuff & make ourselves feel popular.

Anonymous said...

haRloEz my NaMe is mui. jUz PasSinG bY. JuZ wAnA sAe dAt uR bl0g is keWl. sTay KeWt!

fen said...

I READ! oh shoobs, how i miss you and your retrodaddyvintage ways. i DIE waiting to go back to sanitized land. keep all those intra-SG tours for when i'm back! *lots of overly pseudo-romantic kisses

shu-ming said...

ThAnK YoU FoR ViSiTiNg mY BlOg kAeZzZ.

omg i just remember a friend used to do that on this person's blog. hahahaha.

shu-ming said...

yes come back soon please.

i hate this place.