
I need a shoulder,

can you offer yours?


Anonymous said...

shu shu...r u ok? what's wrong?

Shaun said...

BOO! guess who. ha u can have my strong and macho one.
ha, awaiting to see the NEW SHUMING!!

shu-ming said...

hey jac,
haha. thanks for asking, just periodic depression and bad days at work.

you mean your fat shoulders? no thanks, ive got my pillow.

fen said...

*raises hand me! me!

shu-ming said...

*lay his head.

come back soon fern!

Sari said...

I came across your blog when I was researching on prawns using Google. What a strange, strange world.

shu-ming said...

it is indeed a strange strange world.
i've got people coming here from searching for even weirder things.

like male genitilas or morgue photos.