Lit Meme.
Tagged by Wurh
1. One book you have read more than once
Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club. I was 13 when I first read it and it was my elder sister's literature text from school. I remember her telling me to read it by chapters based on the different characters instead of the usual chronological manner. And then I read it again, normally. And then again, and again. It was my I-am-in-touch-with-my-roots excuse to escape reading the Chinese literature my father was forcing down my throat with.
2. One book you would want on a desert island
Lord of The Flies. You know, to get into the whole mood.
And I want all my primary school classmates there with me.
3. One book that made you laugh
It's a cross between Jason Hahn's Tales of Amanda and Saffy and David Sedaris' Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim. I love Hahn's column for that increasingly thrashy family magazine with boring theme issues and same old covers (What? Fann Wong? Again?) week after week. The latter is well, the other only funny book I've read recently for his witty repertoire.
4. One book that made you cry
I can't remember. Movies, yes. I cried watching I Am Sam yesternight, but that's another story altogether. Well, when I was young, my dad gave me this Chinese comic book about this China boy called San Mao. His name literally translates to Three Strands of Hair. But anyway, it's set in Post-WWII Shanghai and he's always trying to survive anything but nothing good ever comes out of it.
5. One book you wish you had written
Lucifer on DC Comics. It's a spin-off of the character Lucifer Morningstar from Neil Gaiman's masterpiece The Sandman, which I also wished I had written and drawn. It's so imaginative and fantasical. Well, since someone else wrote it already, the next best thing is to do the film version. When I graduate from film school..
6. One book you wish had never been written
How To Win Friends And Influence People. Once I was at McDonald's with my army-mates and sitting next to us was this really big, sad looking guy - alone - eating an upsized Big Mac Meal. His mouth greasing with oil, one hand grabbing the fries and the other hand reading the book. I kid you not.
7. One book you are currently reading
Lonely Planet Taiwan. I will be in Taipei next month with my army-mates and it's exciting because we haven't booked our hotel yet! Because the hotel we wanted is fully booked! So we need to find a new one! So why am I still sitting here! One more month! When will we ever book a hotel!
8. One book you have been meaning to read
Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist. I was told it's a life-changing book about listening to our hearts, learning to read the omens strewn along life's path and above all following our dreams. I read three chapters into it and got bored. But I tell myself everytime to read it so perhaps my life may actually make a good turn. Then everytime I try to read it, I see Linda Goodman's Sun Signs next to it and guess which one I chose?
9. One book that changed your life
I want to say GQ. It really did.
10. Now tag five people:
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