
There must be a somewhat better plan.

Today, I was looking over at my Google Calendar, marking out dates for rehearsals, my volunteering schedule for the Biennale, birthdays, dinners with imaginary friends, medical appointments and taking-over-the-world. In the meantime I was making yet-another mental cosmic plan of what to do with Life when my stint in the Army finally ends in November.

I was conversing with a friend, talking about the usual so-what's-next plans, and she was bemused by the fact that I'm not heading for the 'normal' NUS route but instead LaSalle. The entrance interview for the latter is in Febuary next year, so technically, I have 'nowhere to go yet', so to speak. And you've got no Plan B, she asked. As a matter of a fact, I don't.

Maybe I will move out of the house to vacate the Esplanade Bridge with the Falungong members.

Not that I aspire to live my life like a dye printed tee-wearing free spirit, I just do not see myself being that pragmatic, cautiously planning my life ahead like how one choose the names of their children when they turned 9. (Mine was Naomi for a girl and Joaquin for a guy. But these days I doubt I will ever get married and have kids.) Perhaps I have no Plan B because there are no other options that I'd see as pragmatic. So really, I am just the most pragmatic person around. I may be taking the road less travelled to some people. But the road to others is the safest of them all.

I had an idea of how my A' Levels Art piece would be like in the beginning. But having going through it, I realised that nothing of what I had actually planned surfaced. Yet somehow, the end message I wanted to bring forth was the same.

Maybe if we scrap the blueprint we made for Life, we may actually understand ourselves a little more than we had intended to. And surprise ourselves.

From Keri Smith


Anonymous said...

I didn't go the 'normal' way either, and went to TP design after my 'A's. It was just the most natural route I feel to take. Recently I went on interviews and what I heard the most was: this route you took (ditched Uni) showed more about your character than anything else. Maybe I simply want to go home everyday knowing I did what I loved.

Jeko said...

it was freezing cold man. and accept my invitation on multiply la.

shu-ming said...

hello s.
well, i had a place at tp doing visual com after my Os. but then i decided to continue in jc. one, for my parents. two, i started liking lit. not that i regretted though. heh. so i reckon you've graduated, or?

ya la jacquelinechan. send to my gmail!