
Slowly, but surely,

I don't supposed you need a reason to feel upset or unhappy. Certain emotions come knocking on my door - I do not go around looking for them - and then I'd look for the source. I get frustrated. Because there is no right or wrong, if you say, 'This is it, that's why I was so unhappy, ' then it is. So everything could be a possibility of delusion.

I've got no reason. I've got nothing to complain about. Yet I can't explain it.
It shouldn't be so bad, so why do I feel so sad?

I wished I had something witty or humorous to write about because I hate to sound all grey and gloomy, or my feeble attempt to dispel some pseudo Deepra Choprak crap about Life. Maybe I should go on Sabbatical - emotionally, too.

So anyways, we need to move on.

  • When I get a free weekend (since for the next two weekends it's nothing but work.), we should have a Audrey Hepburn Marathon. My Audrey Hepburn box set is collecting dust. Takers?
  • On the music front, go local! You will be pleasantly surprised. Check out Purple Paige, The Last Transmission (who've since broken up.) and I'm listening to old tunes by Sherene's Closet on Deeper Underground Vol.1, which reminded me of secondary school days.
  • One of my closest friend around, Edward is someone I've known and come to respect for the work he has done for the community and his passion for social work. His resume is certainly something to be wow-ed about. Yet he remains humble and often just shrugged it off. He has requested to ask you faithful readers (yes, all 7 of you. Well, excluding me.) to turn your attention to his entry about the recent handphone-video scandal. Like others, I found it disturbing to see kids today in such an act. And like others, my first reaction was to blame themselves, their parents and society at large. Here, Edward urges you to think otherwise.
  • It's a wet summer. It may be raining, but it's still humid. Please stop wearing tux or sweaters. And boots. I feel even hotter and irritable just seeing people going all indie-suit-and-tie along Orchard Road. Be sensible, wear something light. Lightweight madras plaid shorts are on a classic summer rerun this season. And cut that hair. The humidity just don't do justice to that My Chemical Romance/Paul Twohill look. The black eyeliner will smudge under that heat, too.
  • This made me laugh.
I want bubble tea. :)

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