
I just want June to be over.

  • Too busy to update. Too lazy, too. I'd rather sleep. Writer's block, couch-potatoing, too busy jacking off, whatevers. No mood.
  • Truckload of pills to consume. For my acne, my knees, and my jaw ache. I've got physio next week. Plenty of medical appointments in the next two months. Yes, I'm shamelessly ripping off my free medical benefits.
  • The dentist said I'm not having any wisdom tooth but some strange jawline ache. She asked if I grind my teeth when I'm nervous or when I sleep. How would I know? Solution: porridge diet for two weeks and to talk less. Excellent. I can lose weight now.
  • Flea And Easy: Zouk's sporadic flea markets are always so fucking crowded I don't know if I should go this time.
  • Went to a relative's funeral today. She was 91. My uncle said 'People born in China live longer.' My cousin, 'So this is why there are so many people in China.'
  • Singapore Idol was so painful to watch.
  • Everybody look so tired and sad lately. Must be the afternoon heat. The night humidity makes me want to kill meself. I shower at least 4 times a day.
  • Everybody look so tired and sad lately. Me included.
  • I'm drinking alot of soya bean milk lately.
  • But Milo Peng is still my drug.
  • Because it always cheer me up.
  • Sometimes I wonder if I'm blind.


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