
"Sounds like Dickens," I said with a smile.

I bloody missed Neil Gaiman in Singapore. Thank you, SAF.

And for encouraging us to make obligatory donations, via our bank account, no less, to the community chest. I think my karma seems more promising than ever.

Have I mentioned how much I love mornings?

When the morning sunlight shines through, Beauty seems even more endearing, and everything glows. There is this inate desire to breathe in deeply and exclaim positivity with glee. Complete with a good seat at the cafe with a fantastic view to people watch. And a nice hot cup of coffee. And sesame bagel with cream cheese. And a copy of the papers that informs the world's happenings.

Ooh. Another terrorist attack.

With a morning so beautiful, what else can go wrong in the world?

Well, everything apparently.

[read]: Haruki Murakami - Norwegian Wood

[earwax]: The White Stripes - My Doorbell;
Anna Nalick - Catalyst

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