

My bunkmate read my palm recently and concluded that I am a Big Spender who spends all he earns. It was a classic cinematic moment when he said it. Complete with horrifying, striking violin sounds as I looked at him with intense fear yet a clear acknowledgment to his findings. He said that 'the lines are all leading to the holes. See?', metaphorically they seem to represent money not very well spent.

He also mentioned my life is full of obstacles, the lines mostly jumbled and wrinkled in messiness. My health is not exactly rosy either. People who read my palm and whom are supposedly familiar with this skill all said the same thing because my 'life line' is broken into half. I should watch what I eat, apparently. Also, I am too carefree with my career choice. I should preferbly, and will get married at a later age.

And I am extremely intelligent, too.

I am not saying I am totally buying this whole astrology thing. (I am brainy.) They are not all cow sense either. (I should join Mensa.) I do not adhere to what the daily horoscope suggest I do since they don't reside in my premature dementia mind for more than 0.57 seconds. Could Life be already be pre-programmed by the movements of the planets and stars? My sun/star sign Capricorn, according to Linda Goodman the bona fide Queen of Astrology on the Bestseller List, is ruled by the planet Saturn, and that I am chained emotionally. Therefore am not very well versed in the expressing-thyself area and often breathe a strict, stoic persona. A dull doofus dying to get out but can't. Yet underneath that exterior I am whispering Robert Burns' under my breath. (I do not, by the way, mutter your-luurrve-is-like-a-red-red-rose like a mad psycho.)

I guess I am quite like that. Sometimes I wonder if I should never date again, in fear of inflicting dry spells on others. Sometimes I feel I am painfully boring to alot of people. Horticulture, anyone?

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