
that plastic divine.

I actually braved through the sea of crowds - correction, sea of Singaporean crowds to survive one round of one level of the IT Show, (I hear there were three!) and to think I didn't even planned on going but Khadijah had a list of gadgets she wanted to get her hands on. Five minutes upon reaching I bought an All-In-One Epson Printer which also has a scanner and a color photocopier, too! Rejoice! All for One-A-Hundred-Twenty-Eight-Dollars.

So I finally got my shots scanned and uploaded onto Flickr. They are the long overdue ones taken with my dear Holga and my great-granddad's Seagull. I haven't sort them out yet so they are all under the set That Plastic Divine. Go see!

Also, Transamerica was fantastic, funny and fabulous. Too tired from the scanning to talk about it. Go watch!


Anonymous said...

ahh.. tempting..
nice colours!

Josh K said...

i really like the banner. you know what would be really fucking awesome? creating 1280 x 1024 wallpapers with the images you take around singapore.

you, donovan and thomas- the holy trinity of photography in my book. in 10-20 yrs time you all will be shooting models whilst i eat charity food :)

Anonymous said...

should i give you a kiss for that? haha

shu-ming said...

thanks! ooo someone is having his block leave. you should pose for us 10-20 years later. hoho.

we should practise air-kissing then. those fashion people do it all the time.