
how now brown cow.

  • Blog Pahti: 18th March, Saturday. Ci'en and her fabulous idea of a blog party at Cafe Cosmo. Bring your Ipods and be your own DJs! More details later.

My mind is fixed on film school. Since there is nothing at FASS at that NU-of-S I really want to major in. Theatre Studies? Yes, I enjoyed the minor productions I did in school but I'm not that passionate. I don't know if I should try SADM at NTU again.

It was either Fine Arts or Visual Comm at NAFA, but I am still half-hearted. They are after all, the second choice if I can't get into film school (the new one at La Salle-SIA, which was recently christened The Puttnam School of Film after Lord David Puttnam, the guy who produced Chariots of Fire and The Killing Fields) and apparently entrance itself is extremely competitive.

And my mum belittled me yesterday over dinner. She said I should 'zuo zheng fu gong', that is to work for the government. The Government. The Government! Doesn't she know me if at all? She thinks I should get a job that pays a fixed salary, like an art teacher since I have the inability to save up and I can't 'talk well'. Ahh. Perhaps I should be a struggling artist - I fit the criterion! She refered NAFA as 'the one near Xi Bei Lor,' or Waterloo Street. My dad, The Original Mad Chinaman, obviously prefered the more Chinese set-up at NAFA over La Salle, 'that ang-mor school'. That's all of my parents' knowledge to their son's artistic future.


Embarassing Parents Moment No.1562 You Wished They Will Never Say To Relatives And Friends About You / That Makes You Roll Your Eyes
(on my plans - made gazillion years ago, to study film.)

My Dad: You want to be like Lee Ang is it?

Actually I am thankful he didn't say Jack Neo. (Don't get me wrong, I respect that guy.)


I am really excited at the prospects of studying film at La Salle, actually. Not just the location that screams bohemian, what with the spanking new campus and all. But the eventual dream-come-true to study what I truly want since young. My first fanboy movie was Jurassic Park at 6. After which I drew and wrote ideas of my future films on papers and stapled them on to an exercise book, afraid that I may forget them one day. It may not be easy to get in and I've got absoutely nothing to show - except perhaps that exercise book which I'm not going to show anyone. But for desperate, shameless measure, I may just do that.


fen said...

zhen fu gong? ahahahhaa! prepare to be SANITIZED...

Anonymous said...

please do not do not go to NAFA. their art is stuck in the secondary school era.

anyway i think that govt work is good. you can make govt shows. and maybe, (if you've seen Fight Club) cut in frames of genitalia and get it past the censors unnoticed. it's cool. haha

shu-ming said...

fen - haha eh i sent back the text message you never reply back. anyway i just discovered ann siang hill area which we can tourist-fy when you come back!

anonymous - i actually prefer lasalle. haha. i don't know why. maybe cos nafa is too cheena. haha mda will end up editing my films until there is only the opening and closing credits left.