
tis' kinda late.

Oh yes, thank you to all who made my 20th extra special. For the wonderful presents (you guys can take a hint!), for the text messages (once again, Xuanyu was the last to send his greetings. Yes. You've made yourself heard.), for the cakes, for the calls, for the cards, for being there (from my mum and sisters who made the usual birthday call at midnight, Robin and JL's supper reminiscence, lunch with Gary and Angeline, to dinner with those who came. Andrew's call from downunder and all that mad jet lag rush to meet up the next day. And Edward! Thank you.) and just for remembering. I am truly blessed.

So, happy 2006. With many returns.

Going back to work in 6 hours time isn't the best thing I am looking forward to. Perhaps I will head down to the neighbourhood gym after work and finally begin working off those flab I was talking about for the past few years. The thought of them mircaculously disappearing over late night TV and sleeping them away shall perish with The Procrastination of 1998-2005! Really.

Oh yes, Franz Ferdinand, anybody?

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