

It was 2 bloody a.m and I was about to turn in for the night, complete with my pimple cream and sleep wear. Robin was on MSN and asked if wanted to meet him for supper with JL, whom I haven't seen for centuries. Now JL doesn't know I was coming. It was no Extreme Makeover sort of reaction when he saw me, though I gave him the on-Valium kind of Hello. I supposed it's because I had my glasses on just like the old times. An ex school-mate, however, who is in the same company recognised me finally after 3 months - "You looked so different from last time!"

It's just contact lens.

So JL said I hadn't changed at all, well, at least to him. Maybe he has yet to see Shu-Ming © with Contacts. Anyway, we laughed at all the stupid stuff we did back then, caught up with news about other people whom I thought died or moved to Mars, and talked about the future.

More photos will be up on my Flickr Pro account thanks to Edward!
Happy Birthday Me.

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