- until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
Playground politics still exist, sadly. Anyhow. I shan't be bothered.
+ Ipod back.
+ (Meanwhile.)Buena Vista Social Club,
+ and check out The Magic Numbers and Harmony Grass.
+ Six Feet Under DVDs; season 1 to 4 and finally 5. (They sell the soundtrack here but not the series. Go figure.)
+ The entire Lucifer Morningstar series.
+ Fisheye. (Koh Su Fen, I am so jealous!)
+ But I still want my ColorSplash.
+ A SLR. And learn proper photography. Not mishmashbash self taught kind.
+ Join Project Pilot and not Project Procrastination.
+ Get my fat arse up and submit that darn photo to the Hype exhibit thing.
+ Jeans that flatters.
+ Tops other than Tees.
+ Wake up and smell the coffee - succumb to the fact I have no high metabolism. Work that flab, baby.
+ Better skin.
+ No. More. Zits.
+ Eat healthy-ly.
+ Drink 5 litres of water. Everyday.
+ Detox.
+ Save. Money.
+ Happy thoughts.
+ Patience. Especially with people who walks slow.
+ Smile naturally.
+ Going to the supermarket with my mum.
- Eye bags. My eyes are small enough.
- Zits. Screw you all bloody blemishes. I am a nice person and I don't deserve adult acne.
- Regreting not doing what I wanted to 6 seconds ago.
- Yesterday's wardrobe collection. Some things are never meant for a comeback. Move on, Shu.
- Judgemental and then pretending am not. Please. (Oh come on. We all do it.)
- Being semi-nocturnal. Sleep, dammit.
- Spending impulsively. It strikes unexpectedly. But still.
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