
So much for the city.

I had an urge to call the Mcdonald's hotline at 2a.m last night. Just to have a taste of novelty and at the same time, a quarter-pounder and fries.

My throat sores and my nose is stuffy. My body aches. I think I may fall sick soon. I don't want that. So I had some Vapodrops and panadols with litres of water. I wanted to take a nap but I wanted to waste no time. But I was thinking, without the nap, the fatigue may worsen.
Just ten minutes.

I am on some sort of a magazines spree. I spent more than 30 bucks on magazines over the past week. I have yet to read them.

I am actually home early on a Saturday night. A rarity. The smell of incense and paper burning is clogging up my nose. The moon is awfully round tonight. And I am still craving to call Mcdonald's.

Maybe later.

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