
it is anyone's wonder how i manage to scrap through alevels economics without passing it for two, sad years. my affliation with Money is known to be almost non-existent. well, not totally non-existent. more like a positive relationship. (how ironic.) either I exist and Money don't, vice versa.

i plan to change that. not because i recognise Its evil conscience and decided to embrace It with open arms but i think i've decided to succumb to the fact that without It, i will probably become a vagabond or a running vagrant or a wandering nomad travelling around hougang. and if you listen closely by the end of this entry, you can hear the kinokuniyas, gramaphones, clothing incorporations and random, useless shops owners screaming.

already i've laid out a two year plan just so i can save up just in time for a trip to bombay/istanbul/bhutan/noosa/shanghai/bali after i ord, a powerbook and a new ipod to replace my dying one. but i've got my sandman and lucifermorningstar collections to complete, my neverending list of dvds to purchase, the films and negatives that i need to feed my holga addiction, my holgacolorsplash, womad and other gigs tickets. food.

oh shut the hell up.

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