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Big crowd irks me. New people scares me. Old friends, well, sometimes I don't know if I truly enjoy going back to the past. I really do enjoy the company of the people I hold dear to, now. Yet sometimes I fear if that has an expiry date.
Yet I am afraid of the notion of solitary, the very idea of it being the inevitable when I grow old is dreadful. But I think, soon, I want to learn to be alone. The dependency that this age of connectivity is a hindrance will not be an excuse.
Perhaps after the semester's end. I need to learn that it is ok to be disconnected.
Why? What's the thing that people are really trying to obtain?
Millions of people in this world, all of them yearning, looking to others to satisfy them, yet isolating themselves. But then it seem so inevitable. What's the purpose of all these?
because i would like to understand myself better by being alone, and by being with the people i surround myself with.
yet sometimes it's hard when it's the latter.
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