
If the malady don't go away we're in a little trouble

I will be seeing alot of the world's royalties this year, what with Queen Elizabeth II in March and Emperor Akihito in June. The Agong of Malaysia walked past me on Monday.

Plenty of foreign dignitaries are due to pay visit in the next two weeks and I have simply lost count and of who are coming. Guards-of-honour, as we called them, are no small affairs. The uniform must be in painstakingly tip-top conditions all the time, and it kills someone like me, who fancies himself quite abit to be a little boho, everytime to get rid of any stains that surfaced after every ceremony. You'd think, oh, no one's gonna notice that stain that's no biggie like a strain of hair would, but noooo.. these people have got eyes so sharp nothing escapes them. Yet I've always managed to run away unscathed.

I used to think it was ridiculous to have such a lavish welcome for someone coming to visit. I still do, whenever my shoulders start to ache from standing those long, horrible hours (ok. not exactly hours, but it feels like it.) not moving waiting for them to arrive. It is extremely easy to fall asleep just standing there, and there can only be so much you can daydream about. I hate it when my mind is in sunny Barbados and that insert-arse-of-the-day decided to arrive and spoil it all. Military formalities are so stoic, I noticed. They should pretend to be old pals meeting up after years, with big hugs and all.

No? So I supposed it's just me then. But it's really boring.

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