
Shameless plug.

I want this for christmas/my birthday.

Or these beauties.

Their Swing-Lens mechanism allows for 120-friggin'-degree of panoramic craziness! And shut up about all that photoshopbullshit.

Or a color-filter set for my Holga.
Or a Fisheye adaptor.
Or expired (medium format) films.

Note to Thomas: You should get the Holga together with the Fisheye Adaptor. Fisheye alone is not exactly value-for-money, in my opinion. (Sorry Fen! Haha.) Even though the Holga is a darn cheaply-produced camera that is ridiculously priced. (Made in China for less than US$20 but, well.) I can't gush enough about it. Go to Ruby at Peninsula Plaza. The experienced (Read: old fogeies. But we shall not be rude.) and friendly staff can attend to all your enquiries and needs.

My knees hurt as hell.


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