
"We came," they said, "because everyone's coming."

"There was almost a sense of pathos that surrounded the near emptiness at Level 5 that night. Everyone went on their seperate ways, finally. I had never particularly felt that 'bond' throughout the entire six months. I guess it was there but I never tried to admit it. The fun and laughters that were before now died into sighs and grims. It was like a funeral was going on at the foyer.
Well it was. A funeral for the craziness in the camaraderie that was before.
I hate to say it but I miss those days.
There were endless conflicts, no doubt. But ultimately, WE were there. I wondered every now and then, if we had left a legacy behind. Right now, everyone's just staring into blank space and then slowly falling into slumber.
We are the ones left behind. They say it's 'back to the old life'.
But everything's different.
Everything has changed."

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