
"Cease, cows, life is short," he would shout.

I can be found sitting on my arse at Liat, drinking $2.30 coffee with beans from Sulawasi or whatever country it came from that week and people-watch on a lazy Saturday afternoon.

I could do it all day and not get bored.


Today, as I stepped out of the house, I saw a black cat with a white-grey pigeon in its mouth - its wings still flapping, struggling to escape - running away into the bushes in the park. The crows were cawing in chaos. Sorta like Discovery Channel in the Heartlands. At that moment, I thought it was foreboding some sort of tragedy. "I think it has something to do with world peace," I exclaimed to Luke and Edward. They laughed and said that was 'like, damn himbotic lah'.

I hate to play the accidental fortune teller.

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