
"...for we are all outsiders..."

Was at the last opening night of 72-13, Theatreworks' new home off Mohamed Sultan.

Amidst the beanbags and the white wines and the loud music and the ceiling video installations, Michelle and Andrew and I attempted to look like we fit right into the theatre crowd. As though we are friends with En-lai, May-yee and other people. Right. We could only recognise those two. I saw Karen Tan and Ivan Heng, too. Contemplated if it would be too unglam to take a snapshot with the totally cooler-than-thou May-yee. Or act all nonchalant. I mean, that's how we fit into the crowd, no? Of course we (Thankfully. Or else.) did the latter. She is very beautiful, by the way. But in an understated way, rather than all dressed up to the nines.

We took a photo 'with' her and her friends nonetheless.

Michelle suggested I get my own namecard, the must-have for networking. But I had no position whatsoever except for Creative Director-or-something-like-that for Andrew's events firm. And of course, Military-Slave. Which to be honest I am quite embarassed to use. Like, I'm just doing a favour. In exchange for money. Surely there is no need for a title? I thought maybe it'd go - "He Shu-Ming. Wandering Soul." Anyhow, decided to work on some videos to build up my personal portfolio and future competitions. Already in my mind is one about black crows and red brick blocks. And an awkward angle of clothes hanging off the kitchen wall, against the blue sky.

I want to be a bean-bagger.

*Update* The previous entry was my version of We're That Blogger Bandwagon.

[earwax]: PJ Harvey - One Time Too Many

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