Or whatever thing.*
I am not having the best of days lately. Apart from a horrid break-out on my face, and er, other areas, I am feeling a bigger-than-usual tummy. It is one of those sporadic moments when I feel as hideous as a ostrich head in the sand. But I need to get out of the house. (No one is replying to my text messages to womad tonight. Either Starhub's fault, or I need new friends. Hippie, pot smoking people should apply.)
I sincerely believe that the military people should invest some money on basic English (At least conversational. Please.) lessons for their commanders. It will be money well spent. Not that I can't help it, noticing their mistakes. And make no mistake about noticing, it is bloody right-at-your-face sorta bad English. I fear I am turning into a certain Jacqueline Chan whose main aim in life is correcting other people's grammar. Note to Miss Chan: you should consider signing on with the armed forces because it's like a grammar-correcting paradise here. You'll love it. Not that I've got perfect grammar myself - my grammar is bad, but ever since I became accquainted with that Miss Chan, I am more aware of my language. Not that I am some elitist or bourgeoisie, either. But their atrocious English is the only thing that keeps my interest in camp. And fyi, it is not even Singlish.
I is very sad for this. Singapore education system and the gahmen should responsible for this or whatever thing.
*It is this new trend, in the name of Bad English, used to end a sentence when they have nothing else to say. Like in the case of today's entry or whatever thing.
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