
the last time i checked my debit, it wasn't a very friendly figure.
but nonetheless i am saving up diligently for a coloursplash.

i've got the photos selected. the video needs editing tomorrow. thankyouverymuch to balota, owe you one ysl..you wished! haha. like i can get my hands on them. i am still waiting for the 'right' moment to write the essay. no it's not procrastination, all you bozos. i just happen so to be a man of a very instinctive nature. the chronological precision as to when i am in a ideal frame of mind to perform this horribly simple task (come on. it's almost like writing a blog entry.) depends very much on the yin and the yang. or more specifically, the right cup of caffeine and a good cd.

anyhow, my limbs are aching and my neck is sun-kissed a little too much. it hurts. but life at mowbray is so much better than on that bloody Island of Doom.

and to my dismay, mowbray looked nothing like a red indian tribe or a summer campsite.

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